Frequently Asked Questions

Is experience playing music or a family with experience playing music required to join?
No experience is required. In fact, many of our favorite artists came from families where playing music was not practiced. However, you do need to value music as an important component of your, or your child’s education in order to find success.
Can I change my plan when I see fit?
Absolutely, you can always change your plan according to your needs.
What happens if I am or will be absent for a lesson(s)?
Any lesson that is rescheduled at least 24 hours prior to the time of the lesson can be made-up. When you reschedule the lesson in your calendar, you will be able to choose a new available date/time that works best for you. This also applies for longer periods of time; in case you will be absent for multiple lessons due to a trip or any other reason. All you have to do is reschedule them in advance.
Can I schedule more than one lesson in a week?
Yes, you can schedule multiple lessons in a single week.
Can I set a regular day/time for my weekly lessons?
Yes, you can set a regular day and time for your weekly lessons. We actually recommend this approach. Having consistency in your weekly lessons gives you a better understanding of your own progress. If your plan includes weekly lessons, we highly recommend you schedule a regular day and time each week for your lessons.
What if I have 2 kids playing the same instrument but at different levels?
In the case that you have 2 kids learning the same instrument but they have different skill levels playing that instrument, we’ll set up 2 different accounts. This way each student has their own program preventing one from being bored or overwhelmed. To make arrangements for larger families, or to use LMMP in your school, please reach out to
Can I change Instruments at any time?
As long as the instrument you wish to change to is available at LMMP, you can change instruments at any time.
Is there a discount for families with more than 1 kid that wishes to enroll in LMMP?
Yes, we offer family discounts. Please contact us at so we can offer you our best available deals.
Can a school sign its students up for LMMP?
Yes, we offer LMMP to schools for its students. Please contact us at so we can help you determine what plan you need for your students.
Can I learn 2 instruments at the same time with LMMP?
Yes, you can take lessons on 2 instruments. Please contact us at so we can help you figure out the best options for you.
How It Works
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